Tag Archives: Food sovereignty

US monopoly interests behind Ukraine putsch

“Ukraine’s agriculture could be a real gold mine.” – U.S.-Ukraine Business Council

medium_financial_fraudBehind the U.S.-backed coup that ousted the democratically-elected president of Ukraine are the self-serving predatory interests of giant corporations – from Cargill to Chevron to Monsanto – and vulture capitalists which see the country as a potential “gold mine” of profits from the plunder of its rich agricultural and energy resources, as JP SOTTILE* documents in consortiumnews.com. This underlies the sharpness of the inter-imperialist contradictions over control of Ukraine as well as the crimes being carried out by the big powers of the U.S. and Europe against the Ukrainian people. Canadians should firmly reject this meddling in Ukraine’s affairs as they can no doubt extrapolate that the same process in the Ukraine is also being carried out by the imperialists in our country and elsewhere.**

(March 16) – ON JANUARY 12, a reported 50,000 “pro-Western” Ukrainians descended upon Kiev’s Independence Square to protest against the government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Stoked in part by an attack on opposition leader Yuriy Lutsenko, the protest marked the beginning of the end of Yanukovych’s four year-long government.

That same day, the Financial Times reported a major deal for U.S. agribusiness titan Cargill. Continue reading

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