Tag Archives: Counter-insurgency

Vigorously oppose the role of the Canadian bourgeoisie in Central America and the Caribbean

We are reprinting a 1983 article from People’s Canada Daily News, the newspaper of CPC(M-L), and Halifax People’s Voice by Tony Seed, its Maritimes correspondent at the time. The article reports on activity by Canada in Central America and the Caribbean. It reveals that much of the work for military domination and political destabilization is carried out within Canada and by U.S. and British agents, who operate freely on Canadian territory with and without the knowledge and approval of the Canadian government. It affirms that Canadians stand for the rights of the peoples and for a principled foreign policy.


“Canada must be induced to assume greater responsibility in American defence and development by extending its influence into the former British West Indies colonies in and around the Caribbean. (it) should be warmly encouraged to meet its responsibilities in the region by promoting the economic development and political civility of the English-speaking Caribbean.”

– The US Santa Fe Document – A New Inter-American Policy for the Eighties, prepared by The Committee of Santa Fe for the Council for Inter-American Security Inc., May, 1980. [1] Continue reading


Filed under Americas, Canada, Canadian Forces, Working Class

Military integration: ‘Cheek by jowl’ with U.S. on COIN in Afghanistan

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Filed under Canada, No Harbour for War (Halifax)