Tag Archives: Seafarers’ International Union (SIU)

Vigorous day of action to defend maritime jobs against neo-liberal free trade with Europe

(January 20, 2017) – On January 12, sailors, longshoremen, seaway and other workers took part in militant demonstrations against the neo-liberal Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Demonstrations were held in St. John’s, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria and Prince Rupert. In St. John’s, the action was held at the constituency office of MP Seamus O’Regan. In Montreal, the action took place in front of the constituency office of Transport Minister Marc Garneau. In Toronto, workers marched to the constituency office of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland (who oversaw the CETA file while International Trade Minister). In Vancouver, workers protested at the constituency office of Liberal MP Hedy Fry, while in Victoria the action took place at the docks in Ogden Point, and in Prince Rupert workers rallied at the Transport Canada office. Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, No Harbour for War (Halifax), Working Class

Seafarers call for an active stand in federal election

Working people in action in Ontario and Quebec to defeat Harper government. “We must all be concerned and worried by the conservative government’s arrogant attitude towards Canadian workers, an attitude that will be accentuated if they are re-elected.”

Seafarers protests called for the defeat of the Harper government and its neo-liberal Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Europe in St. Catharines on April 1 and Montreal April 2 (pictured above).

Seafarers protests called for the defeat of the Harper government and its neo-liberal Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Europe in St. Catharines on April 1 and Montreal April 2 (pictured above).

Democratic Renewal (April 7) – Two articles in the March 2015 edition of The Canadian Sailor, publication of the Seafarers’ International Union of Canada, call for workers to be active in this year’s federal election for their own interests and to defeat the Harper government. Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, Working Class

Seafarers protest Harper visit to Quebec City

2015.02.13-Quebec-Seafarers-2crMembers of the Seafarers International Union (SIU) of Canada have been protesting the Harper government across the country as part of their fight against the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union.  Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, Working Class

Workers’ Forum – Seafarers boldly declare: No quarter for neo-liberal free traders!

Annul the Canada-Europe Free Trade Agreement!

Annul the Canada-Europe Free Trade Agreement!
• Seafarers Boldly Declare: No Quarter for Neo-Liberal Free Traders!
• What the Workers Had to Say
• CETA Opens the Door to Dismantling the Marine Transport Sector – Interview, Patrice Caron, Executive Vice-President, Seafarers’ International Union of Canada
• European Seafarers’ Solidarity Statement
• U.S. Seagoing Unions’ Solidarity Statement

For Your Information
• CETA Breakdown – Seafarers’ International Union of Canada Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, Working Class