Tag Archives: Israel – Canada Park

The Illegitimate State of Israel (I): Zionist Terrorism and Crimes in Palestine – 1939-1945

A series published on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Al Nabka, May 15, 2023

Complied and edited with an introduction by Tony Seed based on the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem authored by the late Issa Nakhleh

The Illegitimate State of Israel, Part I – 1939-1945 

The Illegitimate State of Israel Part II – 1946 (forthcoming)

The Illegitimate State of Israel, Part III – 1947 (forthcoming)

The Illegitimate State of Israel, Part IV – 1948 (forthcoming)

The Conspiracy to Expel and the Expulsion of Palestinian Arabs, Part V – 1948 (forthcoming)


(Updated May 23, 2021) – On May 14, 1948, the Zionist state of Israel was established by unilateral declaration in defiance of the United Nations and international law on the basis of 33 massacres, terrorism and the dispossession and mass expulsion of the indigenous Palestinian people from their land by the foreign-armed Zionist state and its militias with the backing of the great powers, the United States in the first place, as well as Canada. Some 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee. Palestinians were forced from their lands and homes due to military attacks by Zionist forces, supported by the British and U.S. governments. The Israeli Zionist forces attacked 774 cities and villages, and occupied 80 per cent of the Palestinian soil after killing nearly 15,000 Muslim and Christian civilians.

Of this population, approximately one-third were forced to migrate to the West Bank, another third to the Gaza Strip, and the remainder to neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, registered as refugees with the United Nations and forcibly denied the right of return.

Another 350,000 were dispossessed in 1967 following the Six-Day War during which Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights. The number of Palestinians in the Diaspora now numbers over 5 million people. “We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinians] never do return … The old will die and the young will forget,” said David Ben-Gurion, the founder of Israel, in 1949. But the young ha, both those born in Palestine and those born in Canada, have not forgotten.

For the information of readers, we are serializing in five instalments chapters from the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (1999), a 1,000-page work in two volumes by the late Issa Nakhleh*, a distinguished lawyer and statesman, which provide detailed information on the years 1939-1948, as to the nature and methods of the illegitimate Zionist conquest of Palestine of May 15, 1948. These are not otherwise available on the Internet. Much of the information is derived directly from British Colonial files in London. To proceed directly to this exhaustive work, scroll down the page. Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, History, Palestine, West Asia (Middle East)

Harper to undertake first official visit to Israel

Toronto protest against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's visit to Toronto for Zionist fundraising dinner, December 1, 2013.

Toronto protest against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s visit to Toronto for Zionist fundraising dinner, December 1, 2013.


TML Daily (Dec. 3) – FLYING in the face of international opinion and the Canadian people, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has chosen this moment in history and contemporary international relations to honour the State of Israel with his first official visit as Canadian head of government. Continue reading

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Filed under No Harbour for War (Halifax)

Birds of a feather flock together

Having made the desert bloom and trying to wiping a people off the map, they are now helping the birds to fly

birds-of-a-featherThose shabby greenwashers par excellence, the racist and fascist Jewish National Fund, are naming a ‘migratory bird interpretive centre,’ after the Cackling Goose in Ottawa and using him as their corporate shill. The centre is located on land stolen from the Palestinian people and bordered by the Golan Heights, which belongs to embattled Syria. It is to be watered with Canadian tax-exempt ‘charitable’ donations from big capital, in the manner of the infamy called Canada Park.* “The prime minister has a strong love of animals: cats, dogs, pandas,” one Zionist told the Toronto Star, trying to explain the connection. “It plays off his whole love of animals.”

The macabre and cynical association caused me to dwell on the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), though the Cackling Goose is a distinct species or maybe even a sub-species. Really. I live on the migratory north-south bird flypath over the waters of Georgian Bay, part of Lake Huron and the Great Lakes that separate Canada from the USA. When I first moved here, I was initially in awe of their seemingly majestic flying V-shaped wedge and began to watch them more closely each spring and fall. How to ‘interpret’ them? They always fly in a pack. In nature, birds of a single species do in fact frequently form swarming flocks. Continue reading


Filed under Canada, Palestine, West Asia (Middle East)

Canada Park: A personal story

HALIFAX resident and Dalhousie professor emeritus Dr. Ismail Zayid tells his personal story related to the IDF razing in 1967 of the Palestinians villages of Beit Nuba, Yalo and Imwas and the subsequent creation of Canada Park on these and other lands mostly from funding from the Jewish National Fund – Canada. His presentation will include a CBC Fifth Estate report (30 minutes) on this war crime.

Presented by Canadian, Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace

Tuesday, 13 March 2012 • 19:00 until 20:30 • Room 175, Loyola Building, St. Mary’s University • 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS


Filed under Palestine