Tag Archives: Colin Wallace

Gladio: NATO’s terror network and the ‘strategy of tension’

The Ukraine putsch in Kiev on February 23 reportedly involves the NATO Gladio, an international network of secret cells of the NATO member states to combat the worker’s movement and communism in Western Europe. It originated with the famous directive of Churchill to “fan the flames” of the partisan warfare during World War II through the SOE (Special Operations Executive); by this it was understood to penetrate and subvert the anti-fascist resistance movement, and make it a tool of the Anglo-American forces, as in Greece. The post-war Gladio network had its own intelligence structure, its own secret military training, a network of illegal arms and PSYOPS service. These actions were part of U.S. military theory called the “strategy of tension,” and were particularly used in Italy in the 70s. The Gladio network was nothing more nor less than an organized terrorist network within NATO countries. In parallel, the CIA supervised the organization of the Operation Condor in Latin America beginning in 1975. – TS

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