Tag Archives: National Endowment for Democracy (NDI)

2012 Halifax International Security Forum

Analysis of the agenda, emphasis, tactics and composition of the Halifax International Security Forum, 2009-2012

Protest against 2011 Halifax International Security Forum.


At the 2011 Halifax International Security Forum

ESTABLISHED four years ago, the Halifax International Security Forum (HISF) is taking place November 16-18 at the Westin Hotel. Warmongers from as many as 50 countries are joining Peter MacKay and some 300 others at the Forum “to learn from each other, share opinions, generate new ideas, and put them into action.”

Once again this year, the organization No Harbour for War, joined by others, has come forward to say, “It is unacceptable that Halifax, or any Canadian city, be used as a venue to plan further crimes against the peace and the peoples of the world.” Continue reading


Filed under No Harbour for War (Halifax)

War criminals are not welcome in Halifax

First in a series by TONY SEED*

HALIFAX, the principal NATO port on the North Atlantic and the headquarters of Maritime Command, is hosting yet another “Halifax International Security Forum” (HISF) on November 18-20. For the third year in a row, three hundred hand-picked militarists will be occupying the luxurious Halifax Westin Hotel at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer.

The Harper government has advanced $7.5 million of public funds to a private Washington-based organization comprised of five individuals — four of them American citizens — in an unsourced contract to organize the “Halifax” conference over the next three years. Participation in the HISF is by invitation only; the Canadian people are excluded. Many of the sessions are classified as “off-the-record.” Continue reading


Filed under Atlantic Gateway / Atlantica, Canada, No Harbour for War (Halifax)

Venezuela: $US 20 million for subversion in 2012


WASHINGTON is preparing funds to support the opposition’s campaign against President Hugo Chavez during the coming presidential elections in 2012Since Hugo Chavez won his first presidential elections in 1998, the US government has been trying to remove him from power. With multimillion-dollar investments, every year Washington’s agencies advise and aid anti-Chavez groups with their campaigns and strategies against the government.  Continue reading

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