Tag Archives: Public opinion polls

Reject attempts to spin an ignominious defeat into a win for the Liberals and for Canadians

Canadians got a dangerous status quo on election night. It indicates that it is up to the working people, women, youth and Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Metis and the people of Quebec to step up political organizing work to turn things around in their favour.

For $600 million and counting Canadians got a dangerous status quo on the night of the election. Initial reports of the 44th general election results are said to be Liberals: 158 (up one); Conservatives 119 (down three); NDP 25 (up one); Bloc Québécois 34 (up two) and Green Party two (down one). Mail-in ballots are yet to be counted. Once they are counted reports indicate it could affect the outcome in 18 ridings but will not change the fact that the next government will be a Liberal minority.

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Last ditch attempt to influence election outcome with muckraking

In this election none of the main cartel parties are reaching a target or winning position. This is because they are so self-serving and opportunistic, anything goes to win power — something the polity views with disdain.

As desperation sets in, certain forces are muckraking related to Justin Trudeau’s lack of judgement this time related to a 2016 deal to permit a book about him to be published in China. While the entire ruling class is self-serving, corrupt and will go to any lengths to get themselves into positions of power, accusations of being self-serving and an agent of China are once again centred on Trudeau. In tandem with this, while the ruling class scrambles to find someone who can claim a mandate to rule this country by decree in favour of narrow private interests, quite a few rats are once again scrambling to get off the sinking Liberal ship. Not knowing who pays for muckraking leads to suspicions that another attempt at a palace coup is taking place within the Liberal Party, or that it is a desperate attempt to gain a Conservative win, or both.

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State funerals to promote the military

Oppose all-sided militarization of life and war preparations

Homemade signs of solidarity and affection are taped to a metal fence across from the Northwood Manor on Gottingen Street in Halifax’s North End | Ron Short, CBC

By Tony Seed

On May 24, 2020, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) held a high-profile public funeral in Halifax for its public relations officer, Capt. Jennifer Casey, a member of the RCAF’s Snowbirds aerobatic team. She was killed on May 17 when her plane crashed in a residential neighbourhood in Kamloops, BC, during it’s cross-Canada military public relations and recruitment tour codenamed Operation Inspiration. Fortunately, there was no additional loss of life. Casey was a former radio journalist and previously with NORAD.[1

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Online ‘voting tool’ sponsored by the CBC

corporate media

One of the on-line “voting tools” that claims to help electors figure out how to cast their ballot is called Vote Compass. It is hosted on CBC’s website, with the national broadcaster having commissioned Vox Pop Labs to use it.

CBC is in thick with polling companies and so-called opinion pollsters and with the cartel party system of government and the cartel parties themselves.

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Violations of right to an informed vote: self-serving use of polling and ‘voting tools’

It seems likely that the main purpose of pre-election polls is not to evaluate public opinion but to try to change it.

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada (MLPC) has received several questions and complaints from readers about how polling is used to disinform the polity, violate the right to an informed vote and manipulate election results. Polling is used to spread rumours and disinformation and then ask people questions about themselves. Poll results are proven inaccurate time and again. Why are they given such prominence during elections? Who pays for polls? Who makes decisions as to when they are released during elections?

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You can do it! On October 19, defeat the Conservatives and keep the Liberals out!

DemocraticRenewalRU_2The fact that the predictions of the pollsters should not sway Canadians to vote against their conscience can be seen in their reports on the eve of the October 19 election.

Éric Grenier and the CBC “Poll Tracker” says that the Liberals will form the next government, “barring Conservative surprise.” Grenier says that all the pollsters except an EKOS poll “has the Liberals at around 37 per cent and Conservatives around 30.” The EKOS poll has the Conservatives and Liberals both at 33 per cent. Quite a discrepancy!

Grenier speaks of the Liberals and Conservatives but the NDP seems to have disappeared from the screen altogether. Is this because it has disappeared from the screen altogether or the pollsters just wish it would?

Meanwhile, as if to hedge his bets, Grenier says: “There are a few factors that could contribute to a surprisingly good performance by the Conservatives on Monday night, making even a Liberal minority government unattainable for Trudeau.” Micro-targeting and dirty campaigning, you say? No! “Shy Tories”!

“Shy Tories” are “Conservatives unwilling to disclose their voting intentions to pollsters for any number of reasons, including social desirability bias (people saying what they think others want to hear),” Grenier says.

So much for the predictions of the fraudster polls! Only when the people control the process will the outcome favour their interests. Their voice is absent when it comes to deciding elections by polls.

On October 19, Vote for Democratic Renewal!

Defeat the Conservatives and Keep the Liberals Out! Wherever Possible, Vote Marxist-Leninist!

Source: mlpc.ca

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An antidote for the polls – To be taken with a grain of salt

Pliny the Elder translated an ancient antidote for poison in his work Naturalis Historia, 77 A.D.:

“Take two dried walnuts, two figs, and twenty leaves of rue; pound them all together, with the addition of a grain of salt; if a person takes this mixture fasting, he will be proof against all poisons for that day.”

The MLPC thinks this is how Canadians should deal with the polls – give themselves an antidote and take them with a grain of salt. Polls are not scientific. Besides the regular failure to predict the outcome of an election, they are based on questions which are misleading and disempower the person being questioned as well as the polity from working out and expressing their view on things. Besides that, the variety of means of communication today has narrowed the audience for poll questions to such an extent that they cannot claim to be representative

Here is what CBC’s “in-depth look at where the polls stand in every region of the country and which seats are up for grabs” says about its methodology as well as its disclaimer:

“CBCÆs Poll Tracker aggregates all publicly released polls, weighing them by sample size, date and the polling firm’s accuracy record. Upper and lower ranges are based on how polls have performed in other recent elections. The seat projection model makes individual projections for all ridings in the country, based on regional shifts in support since the 2011 election and taking into account other factors such as incumbency. The projections are subject to the margins of error of the opinion polls included in the model, as well as the unpredictable nature of politics at the riding level. The polls included in the model vary in size, date and method, and have not been individually verified by the CBC.”

Of course the CBC’s “Poll Tracker” doesn’t track public opinion because public opinion is wrecked by the disinformation of the polls themselves, whose aim is to create a stampede in whatever direction they hope to see as the outcome of the election. None of it involves empowering the people, that much is certain!

All of it confirms the need to activate the antidote, the human factor/social consciousness, and then take the polls with a grain of salt.

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The last week of the 2015 electoral campaign

A massive disinformation campaign is being carried out by the major political parties and monopoly-owned media during this campaign promoting whatever they think will get their party elected. This extends into the polls which claim a lead for this or that party, in a manner that does nothing to help the electorate cast an informed vote.

On October 10, retired former public servant and journalist Paul Barber wrote for iPolitics, “Two of Canada’s major polling firms, EKOS and Nanos, have been reporting different parties in the lead — the Liberals on the part of Nanos over the past week, the Conservatives in the case of EKOS (although the latter’s most recent release gives the Liberals a slight lead that puts them in a statistical tie with the Conservatives, given the margin of error).”

The polling reports are one of the ways a coherent expression of public opinion is destroyed. There is little to no opportunity to cast an informed vote so the outcome, whatever it will be on October 19, is likely to be most undesirable. Any conception which may have applied in the past of an election as a process whereby the expression of the popular will could be turned into the legal will in the form of party government no longer applies. This means that an election does not confer legitimacy to whatever government is said to win the election.

For this reason, the MLPC thinks it is important for Canadians to bring into being an alternative. In this election, vote for democratic renewal, vote Marxist-Leninist!

Elections Canada should fund the process, not the parties. Parties should not be elected to form party government. On the contrary, Canadians should elect their own peers to parliament and the elected MPs should choose the government from their midst which they can then hold to account.

Vote for Democratic Renewal!
Vote Marxist-Leninist!

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What to think about Canadians being told what they think?

Discussion on Bill C-51, Anti-terrorism Act, 2015

corporate mediaOn January 29, one day before the Harper government introduced its new anti-terror act in the parliament an article appeared in the Globe and Mail entitled “Canadians support increased security powers, poll suggests.” It is worth asking why such a dramatic headline would be used before the contents of the bill were revealed. Continue reading

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New anti-terrorism act: Irresponsible polling and media coverage

CorporateNewsPolling firm Angus-Reid released a story on February 19 which claims overwhelming support among Canadians for the government’s new anti-terror legislation.

It goes so far as to say “Canadians are firmly supportive of Bill C-51” and that “ [n]early half of Canadians say [the] draft law ‘strikes right balance,’” while “fully one-third say it doesn’t go far enough.” It says that “less than one in five (19 per cent) worried that it (the legislation) goes too far, compromising freedom and privacy.” Continue reading


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