Tag Archives: Geography & cartography

Word. US State Dept. spokesperson on Israel’s right to launch wars at will

map_shaaba_farms“MS. PSAKI: Well, we will have a statement on this that may be going out during the briefing, in my name. So if it does, I’m happy to reiterate that, but you should have that in your inboxes soon. We support Israel’s legitimate right to self-defense and continue to urge all parties to respect the blue line between Israel and Lebanon, as prescribed by UNSCR 1701. We also, of course, condemn the act of violence and will be watching the situation closely. Continue reading

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Filed under United States, West Asia (Middle East)

Imperialist geography: Ussians invent new countries and teaches them to live right


Kyrgyzstan, officially the Kyrgyz Republic, formerly known as Kirghizia, is a country located in Central Asia. For 12 years, the country was unique in the world in hosting both US and Russian military bases. But in 2014, the US closed its air base - established in 2001 to support operations in Afghanistan. President Almazbek Atambayev had refused to renew the lease. The US then began to complain about its lack of democracy.

Kyrgyzstan, officially the Kyrgyz Republic, formerly known as Kirghizia, is a country located in Central Asia. For 12 years, the country was unique in the world in hosting both US and Russian military bases. But in 2014, the US closed its air base – established in 2001 to support operations in Afghanistan. President Almazbek Atambayev had refused to renew the lease. The US then began to complain about its lack of democracy.

Baku, Azerbaijan (Jan. 9) – One of the US leading newspapers, The New York Times, has recently published an article mentioning a Central Asian country called “Kyrbekistan.”

Later, the newspaper’s editorial staff apologized for the error, explaining that the matter rested in Kyrgyzstan.

Of course, everybody can make typos, even journalists of such an authoritative newspaper as The New York Times. Continue reading

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Filed under United States

Graphic details. US State Department’s imperialist geography

Landlocked Belarus.jpg

In the event of a Belarusian invasion of Ukraine, the 6th US Fleet will immediately be deployed to the shores of landlocked Belarus.


It is all too reminiscent of former prime minister Jean Chrétien trying to convince the Canadians in 2001 that the deployment of the Canadian navy to the Indian Ocean as part of the Anglo-American invasion of landlocked Afghanistan was done to fight the Taliban. And like current Canadian foreign affairs minister John Baird, who thinks the capital of Syria is Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Spokesperson Jen Psaki reveals a certain gap of knowledge of the countries targeted by US warmongering. Continue reading


Filed under United States

Graphic details. CNN’s imperialist geography (2)

CNN-Kobani as Israel

According to CNN, Israel has also added Kobani to its occupation collection. Kobani (Arabic name is Ain-al-Arab) is the Kurdish community in northern Syria under siege of ISIS, ally of the Zionists in the war against the Syrian Arab Republic. Continue reading


Filed under Media, West Asia (Middle East)

Graphic details. CNN’s imperialist geography (1)

CNN Geography Ukraine.jpg

The highly educated and famous CNN keeps on astonishing viewers about Ukraine. On May 12, one day after the refendums in eastern Ukraine, CNN placed the city of Luhansk, capital of the new Luhansk republic, approximately in the place of Kiev, capital of Ukraine. CNN’s new political geography reflects the imperialist disinformation as to the cause of the anti-Kiev, anti-fascist resistance sweeping the region: CNN places the city of Donetsk, capital of Donetsk republic, a few hundred kilometres to the northeast from the real locale of the historic working class city. Other monopoly media are as ignorant in their arrogance, or worse. This must be really insulting to the people of Ukraine, when those who can’t even find you on a map think to teach you how you must live or lie about the situation in your country. Continue reading


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