Tag Archives: Canadian Donner Foundation

Trudeau appoints NATO academic as foreign policy advisor


Trudeau Liberals treatment of important questions of war and peace

Roland Paris is former Founding Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies  (CIPS) at the University of Ottawa, from which he is now on leave. He is a NATO academic and involved with corporate think tanks and such subversive U.S. agencies as the Halifax International Security Forum (see here) advancing a warmongering foreign policy for Canada. The National Post called Paris “the man behind Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy.” A concern for Canadians is Paris’ foreign policy preoccupations, which include increasing military spending and Canada’s role in the aggressive NATO military bloc, as well as the so-called “digital diplomacy” – the Harper government’s use of social media tools to subvert sovereign governments that Washington deems hostile to its interests (see here and here). The Post reported on December 29 that Paris was working for the Liberals before the election was called and that “his fingerprints are clearly evident in the party’s election platform.” All the while Paris was also frequently quoted, before and after the election, as an independent academic and expert commenting on Liberal foreign policy prospects. Paris is also said to be present at “most, if not all, of Trudeau’s meetings with foreign leaders.”


Roland Paris is Senior Advisor to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He was appointed to this post in November 2015. Paris has played a significant role in the efforts of the Liberal intelligentsia and think tanks to sort out the problems of a Liberal foreign policy for Canada today. As a frequent commentator on Canadian foreign policy and collaborator with NATO and other institutions of U.S. imperialism such as the Halifax International Security Forum, Paris’ preoccupations are a cause for concern for Canadians, who would like to see Canada and its government as a force for peace. Continue reading


Filed under Canada

For your information: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies


TML Daily, June 15, 2007 – No. 98

Original map of “Atlantica” in 2005

TRADE UNIONISTS and other social activists are rallying in Halifax all this week against the latest annual conference of the financial oligarchs from the New England states, the Canadian Atlantic provinces and Québec promoting the Atlantica project, a new arrangement for deeper integration with the United States (later renamed the Atlantic Gateway – ed.). In the lead up to the conference, daily media reports are quoting various government officials, business association spokespeople, and think-tank “experts” to tell the people how they should view the event. Even different “alternatives” are discussed. To assist the workers and people to establish their own thinking and point of view on the Atlantica project and what to do about it, TML is posting information about the ideological and corporate forces behind the Atlantica project. Continue reading


Filed under Media, Journalism & Disinformation, No Harbour for War (Halifax), Working Class