Tag Archives: Marine workers

Seafarers call for an active stand in federal election

Working people in action in Ontario and Quebec to defeat Harper government. “We must all be concerned and worried by the conservative government’s arrogant attitude towards Canadian workers, an attitude that will be accentuated if they are re-elected.”

Seafarers protests called for the defeat of the Harper government and its neo-liberal Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Europe in St. Catharines on April 1 and Montreal April 2 (pictured above).

Seafarers protests called for the defeat of the Harper government and its neo-liberal Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Europe in St. Catharines on April 1 and Montreal April 2 (pictured above).

Democratic Renewal (April 7) – Two articles in the March 2015 edition of The Canadian Sailor, publication of the Seafarers’ International Union of Canada, call for workers to be active in this year’s federal election for their own interests and to defeat the Harper government. Continue reading

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Filed under Canada, Working Class

Atlantic Gateway: The politics of pragmatism and the elephant in the room

Second in a series of articles on the Nova Scotian elections by TONY SEED*

THE Nova Scotia NDP has won unprecedented accolades in the 2009 provincial election from the private and public monopoly media for its “pragmatism” and “measured policies.” Pragmatism worships the absence of principles. If something works in the interests of the status quo, it must be applauded, applied and fought for. The Nova Scotia NDP has taken the vow that “the end justifies the means.” Continue reading


Filed under Atlantic Gateway / Atlantica, No Harbour for War (Halifax), Nova Scotia Government

Militarization of Canadian ports: Violation of rights of Maritime workers and annexation in the name of ‘security’


REPRESENTATIVES of Canadian maritime port workers have denounced draconian “security” measures aimed at criminalizing their rights. Under the aegis of the “war on terror” of the Bush administration, the federal government announced by executive order on 16 November 2006 that maritime port workers in Canada will be required to pass background checks. News agency reports are vague about both the origin of the demand and the content of the new Marine Transportation Security Regulations. Continue reading

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