Tag Archives: Italy

China bolsters global effort to combat coronavirus

International Cooperation to Help Countries Cope

Chinese and Cuban doctors arrive in Italy to help treat COVID-19 pandemic.

Assistance to Italy and Other EU Countries

On March 12, a group of nine Chinese aid professionals arrived in Rome with tons of medical supplies, including 700 ventilators, monitors and defibrillators, as part of China’s efforts to help Italy contain the novel coronavirus outbreak. Continue reading

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D-Day: The road to Berlin


British commandos land at Gold Beach on D-Day.


WITH THE INVASION of Normandy on D-Day on June 6, 1944 the terms of warfare in occupied France ceased to be ostensibly those of Hitler and became clearly those of the Allied Expeditionary Force. The cross-channel build-up provided it with at least twice the number of men, four times the number of tanks, and six times the number of aircraft available to the enemy. Continue reading

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Filed under Europe, History

NATO. The price of US ‘protection’ soars


No2NATO-Banner-NewCr(March 12) – The United States will no longer consider its allies as protectorates. Therefore, they ask them to pay the cost of their protection, otherwise they will withdraw. This was announced by President Trump on January 17 at the Pentagon, which was presented in February at NATO, but was released only this week. A decision that applies to all allies, from Japan to Germany. The problem is that Washington is also asking its allies to align with its positions … as they did as protectorates. Continue reading

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Filed under No Harbour for War (Halifax)

Italy: A whole US/NATO strategic military base

PandoraTV (November 13) –  Manlio Dinucci in this carefully documented Pandora TV production focuses on US-NATO military deployment in Italy and around the World in what might described as “Global NATO.” Continue reading

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Filed under Europe, No Harbour for War (Halifax), United States

Word. Vladimir Putin: ‘Publish a world map and mark all the US military bases on it. You will see the difference between Russia and the US.’

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a forum of independent regional and local mass media in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Vladimir Putin pulls no punches in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

Luciano Fontana: I would like to start with a question concerning Russian-Italian relations. This relationship has always been close and privileged, both in the economic and political spheres. However, it has been somewhat marred by the crisis in Ukraine and the sanctions. Could the recent visit by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to Russia and your upcoming visit to Milan somehow change this trend, and if so, what is needed for that?

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Europe: Honouring Nazi collaborators

Canada, the US and Ukraine were the sole countries that voted against the United Nations anti-Nazi resolution condemning the glorification of National Socialism and Nazi collaboration. Germany, Britain and the other EU countries where, with growing frequency, notorious Nazi collaborators are being publicly honoured, “abstained.”

Mass protests on April 26, 2007 against the removal of the famed Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, a World War II memorial commemorating the liberation of Estonia from Nazi Germany. Police cordon off the statue . The sign says “archeological excavation”. | Leena Hietanen, Wikimedia Commons (Click to enlarge)

Mass protests on April 26, 2007 against the removal of the famed Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, a World War II memorial commemorating the liberation of Estonia from Nazi Germany. Police cordon off the statue . The sign says “archeological excavation”. | Leena Hietanen, Wikimedia Commons (Click to enlarge)

BERLIN/NEW YORK (Own report) – The Federal Republic of Germany refused to vote in favour of a United Nations resolution condemning the glorification of National Socialism and Nazi collaboration. Last week, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution strongly criticizing the edification of memorials to Nazi functionaries and the stylization of Nazi collaborators as “freedom fighters.” Germany and the other EU nations abstained, the USA, Canada, and Ukraine voted against the document, with 115 nations voting in favour. Berlin and Brussels use the excuse of not wanting to support a resolution initiated by Russia. In fact, a vote in favour of the document would have caused hefty disputes within the EU, and between the EU and important allies. With growing frequency, notorious Nazi collaborators are being publicly honoured in such EU countries as Hungary or the Baltic countries and in Ukraine, in some cases by officials of the respective governments. Continue reading

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Gladio: NATO’s terror network and the ‘strategy of tension’

The Ukraine putsch in Kiev on February 23 reportedly involves the NATO Gladio, an international network of secret cells of the NATO member states to combat the worker’s movement and communism in Western Europe. It originated with the famous directive of Churchill to “fan the flames” of the partisan warfare during World War II through the SOE (Special Operations Executive); by this it was understood to penetrate and subvert the anti-fascist resistance movement, and make it a tool of the Anglo-American forces, as in Greece. The post-war Gladio network had its own intelligence structure, its own secret military training, a network of illegal arms and PSYOPS service. These actions were part of U.S. military theory called the “strategy of tension,” and were particularly used in Italy in the 70s. The Gladio network was nothing more nor less than an organized terrorist network within NATO countries. In parallel, the CIA supervised the organization of the Operation Condor in Latin America beginning in 1975. – TS

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